Courtesy of Luca Carbonaro
Cosmic rays are a key ingredient in many fields of astrophysics and in particular in star
formation, but despite their great relevance our understanding is still relatively incomplete.
Thanks to the data delivered by the new generation of infrared, radio and (sub)millimeter telescopes,
we have now the opportunity of attaining a comprehensive knowledge about the role of
cosmic rays in the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium, hence about the processes leading to star and planet formation.
Observations are needed to constrain the multiple aspects of the proposed theoretical
models and models are required to properly interpret observations. Despite the importance of cosmic rays in star formation,
the interplay between observers, chemical modellers, and theoreticians needs to be strengthened.
This is the goal of the second edition of this workshop:
bringing together experts in theory and simulations of cosmic-ray
propagation, astrochemists, and observers to share ideas, discuss about recent and
present results, and identify the key challenges regarding the chemistry and the physics of
cosmic rays for the near future.
Specific science topics include:
- Role of cosmic rays in star and planet formation
- Cosmic-ray signatures in different environments
- Impact of cosmic rays on the formation of interstellar molecules: observations, models, and laboratory experiments
- Cosmic-ray factories: local acceleration in protostellar sources
- Cosmic rays and the origin of Life: ISM, comets, planets, and early Earth