The XNS Team

The code XNS is developed and maintained jointly at the Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (National Institute for Astrophysics) - Arcetri Observatory by Niccolò Bucciantini, and at the Università di Firenze (University of Florence) - Physics and Astronomy Department by Luca del Zanna.

Niccolo' Bucciantini


INAF - Oss. di Arcetri

Email: ti.ortsa.irtecra@oloccin
Tel: +39-055 2752 285
Address: L.go Fermi 5, 50125,
      Firenze ,Italy,
Home Page

Luca Del Zanna


UniFi - Dip. Fisica & Astronomia

Email: ti.ortsa.irtecra@zdl
Tel: +39-055 2752 239
Address: via G. Sansone 1, 50019,
      Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
Home page


These are the students that are working to the developement of the XNS code.

Jacopo Soldateschi

Grad Student

UniFi - Dip. Fisica & Astronomia

Email: ti.ortsa.irtecra@ihcsetadlos
Tel: +39-055 2752 276
Address: L.go Fermi 5, 50125,
      Firenze ,Italy
Home page

Former Students

These are the students that have contributed to the developement of the XNS code.

Antonio Pili

Grad Student

UniFi - Dip. Fisica & Astronomia

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Home page