Gaia-ESO Survey at Arcetri

Team Members
Rachel Curran Rachel Curran
Gaia & Gaia-ESO Survey Outreach
Rachel is in charge of outreach events for the Gaia ESO survey and Gaia projects at the Arcetri Observatory. She organises and runs public open evenings, giving lectures and using the telescopes to explain the Gaia mission and the Gaia-ESO survey. She also writes press releases, and is responsible for the webpages.
Research Interests: Rachel has broad interests in research, and has published in areas including High- and Low-mass Star formation, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs). She is an expert in Submillimetre imaging polarimetry, and has many years experience in using high-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy and spectroastrometry. She has a keen interest in telescopes and instrumentation, data reduction and analysis, and public outreach.
Veronica Roccatagliata Veronica Roccatagliata
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Veronica is working on spectral analysis of the UVES data along with quality control.
Research Interests: Veronica has previously worked on Young stellar clusters and circumstellar discs.
Lorenzo Spina Lorenzo Spina
Post-Doctoral Researcher
During his PhD (2011 - 2014) at the University of Florence, Lorenzo was deeply involved in the Gaia-ESO Survey. His duties included the selection of targets and the telescope configuration for the observations of pre-main-sequence clusters and the analysis of the UVES spectra collected in these young stellar associations. Since January 2015, Lorenzo is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and he is continuing with the responsibility for the analysis of the UVES spectra for the node of Arcetri.
Research Interests: chemical evolution of the Milky Way, metal content of pre-main-sequence clusters, chemical signatures of planet formation and planet engulfment events, high-precision abundance determinations (σ≤0.01 dex).